The Internet

A recent survey found that 40% of SMB’s suffered some sort of security breach as a result of employees accidentally or intentionally browsing through websites that host malware, infected downloads, or have been corrupted by malicious software. There are many risks associated with uncontrolled Internet usage. Below you will find a few of them listed. The ultimate question to ask is, “Do I know what happens with my internet at work?”

Please call us if you would like more information on how you can control and monitor your workplace internet.

Malware- Viruses, Trojans, Cross-site scripting, Tracking, Botnets, Spyware and adware
Phishing sites- Identity Theft, Financial loss, Social engineering
Inappropriate content –
Pornography, Racial hatred, Religious intolerance, Alcohol, tobacco and drug related sites
Data loss prevention – Forums, Blogs, Instant messaging, P2P, Online storage, Webmail
Lost productivity – Social Networking, Auctions, Gaming, Gambling, Dating, Software downloads, Daytrading and investment sites, Employment sites, Online shopping
Bandwidth crushers – Internet radio, Sporting events, TV and movie sites

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